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カテゴリー: - Gan @ 15時09分51秒


Good News for Veteran EQ players!


As part of EverQuest’s 6th-Year Anniversary celebration, the game team is giving current EQ players** one special Veteran Reward for every year that you’ve been an active, paying EverQuest subscriber in good standing! This is very good news for six year vets! It means that you’ll be getting six Veteran Rewards for up to six of your characters!


If you are a former EQ player, any active subscription time previously accrued on a paying account in good standing will be credited toward your veteran reward when you re-activate your paid subscription.


Note: you’ll find the Veteran Rewards tab in the game’s AA user interface.

注:貴方はVeteran Rewardsタブをゲーム内のAAユーザーインタフェース上で見つけることができるでしょう。

Even better news: From April 11, 2005 to May 11, 2005, any current EQ player can purchase a 12-month EQ subscription for a special price ($99.99 plus applicable taxes) resulting in a potential savings of more than $50 off of the standard, monthly subscription fee. Game software is sold separately.


In addition, players who purchase the special 12-month subscription will be entitled to receive their next year’s reward without having to wait* until their next year as a subscriber (subject to the launch date or account age calculation date of the veteran rewards program). For example, a three year veteran will be entitled to receive awards one through three for up to three characters. If he or she decides to purchase the special Sixth-year anniversary 12-month subscription plan, he or she will also be entitled to receive the fourth year award as a bonus without having to wait* until their fourth year as a qualifying subscriber.


Additionally, six year veterans who purchase the Sixth-year anniversary 12-month subscription plan will receive the following unique seventh year reward without having to wait* until the seventh year of their qualifying subscription even though EverQuest is only now celebrating its 6 th-year anniversary.


A special note: An EverQuest player can claim their applicable reward(s) for one additional character (up to a total of six characters) for every full year they have been actively subscribed with a fully-paid account in good standing and qualifies for the veteran reward. In addition, Veteran Rewards remain with each character for as long as that character exists. For every year that a player has been subscribed, they will be able to claim the Rewards on one character.


SOE may, in its sole discretion, add, modify or delete veteran reward program terms or conditions with or without notice, and may terminate the program at any time.


Veteran Rewards are as follows:


Lesson of the Devoted: The player is surrounded by a beautiful blue/white glow as they gain double experience for half an hour every 24 hours.

1年:Lesson of the Devoted: プレイヤーは24時間毎に30分間美しい青/白の輝きに覆われ2倍の経験値w得ることができます。

Infusion of the Faithful: Usable once every 24 hours, the player enjoys maximum resistances and statistics and a faster run speed for 15 minutes while he glows brightly with power.

2年:Infusion of the Faithful: 24時間に1度利用可能、プレイヤーは明るいパワーの輝きにつつまれ最大値のresistanceとstatisticsそれに早いrun speedを15分間楽しむことができます。

Chaotic Jester: Summons a Bristlebane puppet that persists for 15 minutes. Usable once every 24 hours, Bristlebane will randomly cast various spells that provide benefits or minor penalties.

3年:Chaotic Jester: 15分間存在するBristlebaneの人形を召還します。24時間に1回利用可能。Bristlebaneはランダムに有益かちょっとペナルティのある様々なスペルを唱えます。

Expedient Recovery: Usable once per week, all the player’s corpses are summoned to their feet and given 100% experience resurrection.

4年:Expendient Recovery: 1週間に1度利用可能、プレイヤーのすべてのcorpseが足元に召還され100%経験値回復が得られます。

Steadfast Servant: Summons a creature that casts healing spells upon the player and others nearby. Lasts for half an hour and is usable once every 24 hours.

5年:Steadfast Servant: プレイヤーとその近隣の者にヒーリングスペルをキャストする生き物を召還します。30分で居なくなり24時間に1回利用可能。

Staunch Recovery: Usable once every 3 days, the player is fully healed with health, mana, and endurance fully restored.

6年:Staunch Recovery: 3日に1度利用可能、プレイヤーはヘルス、マナ、エンデュランスを完全に回復されます。

Intensity of the Resolute: Increases the power of the player’s abilities and heals substantially for 5 minutes once every 24 hours while the player is surrounded by a glow of energy.

7年:Intensity of the Resolute: 24時間に1回だけ5分間、エネルギーの輝きにつつまれてプレイヤーのablitilyのパワーを増強し段階的にヒールします。

* Please note that the veteran rewards program is scheduled to commence on May 13, 2005 and that will be the first day these rewards will be available to eligible players, even if an eligible player signs up and is billed for the special Sixth-Year Anniversary 12-month Subscription Plan between April 11, 2005 and May 11, 2005. Commencing in June 2005, SOE will compute the age of eligible accounts on the first business day of that month and each successive month during the term of the veteran rewards promotion and accounts that have achieved their next year veteran reward milestone since the prior computation date will be able to claim the applicable reward.


** Based on your total subscription time as an active, paying subscriber in good standing—game time accrued during trial programs or game time included with purchase of the game software will not count towards active, paying subscription time.




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